Friday, April 16, 2010

Courtesy of SLIFR: Professor Fate's Spring-loaded Great-racing Spring Break Movie Quiz

by Tony Dayoub

Dennis Cozzalio is back with one of his exciting cinephilic questionnaires, posted at Sergio Leone and the Infield Fly Rule. Visit his site to post your own answers. My answers appear after the jump.

1) William Demarest or Broderick Crawford?
C'mon! Uncle Charlie, of course.

2) What movies improve when seen in a state of altered consciousness? (Patrick Robbins)
Napoleon Dynamite (2004) and Super Troopers (2001) come to mind.

3) Favorite studio or production company logo?
The famous "An RKO Radio Picture" transmitter logo circa 1929-1957.

4) Celeste Holm or Joan Blondell?
Celeste Holm.

5) What is the most overrated "classic" film? (Tony Dayoub)
The Wizard of Oz has never really done it for me. But seeing it on Blu-ray is starting to change my mind.

6) What movie do you know for sure you saw, but have no memory of seeing? (Patricia Yokoe Cozzalio) Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl

7) Favorite Hammer Film?
Curse of the Werewolf, pictured at top.

8) Gregory Itzin or Joe Pantoliano?
Gregory Itzin

9) Create a double feature with two different movies with the same title. No remakes. (Peter Nellhaus)
A Christmas Story (1983) and Un conte de Noël (2008) (I realize it is officially translated as A Christmas Tale in the U.S., but I believe that was in deliberate avoidance of its more accurate translation which would have conflicted with the former film).

10) Akiko Wakabayashi or Mie Hama? (Ray Young)
I'd take Aki over Kissy any day. Hama is the lesser actress. She is rumored to have retained the part only because she threatened to commit suicide if she was fired for her inability to learn English. It's apocryphal, I'm sure, but probably quite an apt characterization nonetheless.

11) Can you think of a (non-porn) movie that informed you of the existence of a sexual act you had not known of prior? (Bob Westal)
Cronenberg's Crash (1996), but I think it's deliberate... and I'm assuming that particular fetish is actually fictional.

12) Can you think of a black & white movie that might actually improve if it was in color? (Patrick Robbins)
This may be heresy, but Kubrick's Lolita (1962) would be my choice.

13) Favorite Pedro Almodovar Film?
¡Átame! (Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down!) (1990)

14) Kurt Raab or Udo Kier?
Udo Kier

15) Worst main title song (Peter Nellhaus)
"All Time High" by Rita Coolidge for Octopussy (1983)

16) Last movie you saw in a theater? On DVD, Blu-ray or other interesting location/format?
Theater: HBO's You Don't Know Jack, DVD: Arizona Dream, Blu-ray: Bigger Than Life, DVR: I Love You, Man

17) Favorite movie reference within a Woddy Allen movie? (Larry Aydlette)
Love and Death's homage to The Seventh Seal (1957) and its dance of the dead.

18) Mary Astor or Claudette Colbert?
Claudette Colbert

19) Favorite trailer (provide YouTube link if possible)?

20) Oddest double bill you either saw or saw listed in a theater
Raiders of the Lost Ark paired with Altman's Popeye back in 1982 at the Lincoln Road theater in Miami Beach.

21) Favoite Phil Karlson film?
Haven't seen it in a long time, but I liked The Silencers (1966), campy as it is.

22) Favorite “social problem” picture?
Born Losers (1967)... don't mess with Billy Jack.

23) Your favourite Harryhausen film/monster? (Ali Arikan)
Talos from Jason and the Argonauts (1963).

24) What was the first movie you saw with your significant other? (Patrick Robbins)
Open Water (2003)

25) John Payne or Ronald Reagan?
Never seen a film by either. But I'm inclined to vote contra Reagan just because of my politics.

26) Movie you feel a certain pressure or obligation to see that you have not yet actually seen.
All About Eve (1950)

27) Favorite “psychedelic” movie (Hey, man, like, define it however you want, man…)
Lost Highway (1997)

28) Thelma Ritter or Eve Arden?
Thelma Ritter: "I was nursing a director of General Motors. Kidney ailment, they said. Nerves, I said. And I asked myself, 'What's General Motors got to be nervous about?' Overproduction, I says; collapse. When General Motors has to go to the bathroom ten times a day, the whole country's ready to let go."

29) Favorite iconic shot or image from a film?
T.E. Lawrence blowing the match out the moment the film cuts to a desert sunrise.

30) What is the movie that inspired the most memorable argument you ever had about a movie?
Inglourious Basterds inspired a small tiff with the esteemed Jonathan Rosenbaum here, which happened to rope in fellow bloggers Bill Ryan and the gracious host of this quiz, Dennis Cozzalio.

31) Raquel Torres or Lupe Velez?
Lupe Velez

32) Favorite adaptation of Shakespeare to a film?
This is a three-way tie between Roman Polanski's The Tragedy of Macbeth (1971), Kenneth Branagh's ambitious 4-hour Hamlet (1996), and Julie Taymor's wild Titus (2000).

33) Andy Warhol’s Frankenstein (in 3D)-- yes or no?
Yes in 2D. It's a little much in 3D.

34) Favorite movie rating?
The PG rating, because of its interesting history. It started out as M, then changed to GP, and just when you think it settled into PG, it spunoff PG-13.

35) Olivia Barash or Joyce Hyser?
Joyce Hyser

36) What was the movie that convinced you your favorite movie genre was your favorite movie genre?
Easy, I'm a sucker for crime flicks, and the movie that convinced me of that was Michael Mann's Thief (1981). If we're talking about noir, another favorite genre, it would be 1981's Cutter and Bone (aka Cutter's Way). 1981 was a good year.

37) Favorite Blake Edwards movie?
Surprisingly, it's his 1989 Peter Gunn remake starring Peter Strauss, a great TV-movie.


  1. I can't resist:

    10) I did NOT know that!

    11) God, I hope so (if I'm thinking of the same one you're thinking of!)

    15) You stole mine! What about Rita Coolidge's half-asleep voice screamed out to the Broccolis HIGH-OCTANE ACTION?! (But then, what about OCTPUSSY screamed out HIGH-OCTANE ACTION?!)

    30) Yeah, that was a doozy!

    33) This one has one of the neatest 3D effects though, when the maid gets disemboweled and falls onto the sewer grating, and then we see from below as her entrails begin dangling down toward the camera...

    35) Mmm, Joyce Hyser...

    P.S. Tony, I owe you an e-mail! But worry not-- I ended up being out of town too!

  2. Glad to hear we were both unavailable. I'll hit you up next time I'm there. Travelling with family makes it a bit harder.

    15) I suspected you would be simpatico with me on this one.
